How to Stay Cool and moisturised While Working from Home?

How to Stay Cool and moisturised While Working from Home?

by Pravin Solanki on May 18, 2022

Ways To Stay Cool While Working In The Heat

  1. Invest In A Portable Air Cooler

A portable evaporative air cooler is the most efficient way to add a cool touch to your work from home situation. Whether you are working from the comfort of your desk, dedicated office room, or even your couch, Bonaire offers the best evaporative coolers for your personal space.

Bonaire offers compact and durable coolers that are easy to set up and consume extremely low power. You can easily regulate the air flow with a remote. Simply add water, plug it, and focus more on your work while enjoying the cool breeze from your Bonaire cooler.

  1. Stay Hydrated

As you already know, staying hydrated is very important during hot summer days. One of the best ways to stay cool during summer while working from home is to consume enough water. A lot of fluids are lost through sweat during hot weather. As our body is more than 60% water, we must take care of the water balance during hot dry climates.

  1. Play Around With Location

The biggest advantage of working from home is you don’t have a dedicated desk. You can literally work from anywhere. Simple play around with your location. Pick a location based on the time of day or weather. For instance, you can choose to work from your backyard in the morning. Or you can choose to work from a local cafe. Spending some time outside can greatly affect your productivity and happiness.

  1. Change In Schedule

A good benefit of working from home is you are the master of your own schedule aside from the meetings. To avoid extreme temperatures, simply choose a different activity during the hottest times of the day. You can get back to your work when the air is fresher. Or simply plug and switch on your Bonaire cooler to provide fresh cool air during the highest temperature of the day.

Also, you can try an early morning routine to stay cool during your work from home schedule. Simply get most of the work done before afternoon. It will largely impact your energy and productivity levels.

How to Stay Cool and moisturised While Working from Home
  1. Night Recovery

An excellent way to recover after a hot tiring day is to keep your windows open at night. But, if the temperature is very high during the day, our bodies don’t recover to the fullest. You can keep the windows open at night for fresh air circulation to cool and relax your body. A long eight hours of sleep will help you regain the energy.

It’s better to go for an air cooler model like Durango 350 or Durango 600.